Monday, March 30, 2020

Extra Credit Assignment #1

You can gain one point extra credit by watching one of these documentaries and posting a review on your course blog of the film, emphasizing ways it is useful for your project or connects with things we discussed in class. 
Your review must include at least one image (from the film or advertisements for it or of the director) and a link to where it can be watched. (If you embed the YouTube video or trailer, that counts for both).
It must also describe the most important scene, story, or quote from the film. 

This Documentary would provide useful supporting information on the types of college institutions that make up the market for higher education (non-profit, private, and public institutions), as well as providing figures for years outside of my data set, such as how state spending in 2017 for public schools is below pre - recession levels. Other important details that this documentary offers is how schools lower their academic standing in order to encourage enrollment, how for profit college students default on their college debt at a much higher rate, that Sticker price of college costs are rising and the rise of the "Income share agreement" - agreeing to pay an investor a percentage of their income for a set amount of years after they graduate. The image I chose is a self explanatory quote that shows how colleges can encourage demand by decreasing accepted scores to get more students to enroll to completion.

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